
Audience of One: Picture the one person in the world you really wish were reading your blog. Write her or him a letter.

The title was just to get your attention and now that I have it, this is for you, the reader.

Blog page: Insach



Dear reader

Read my blog and do follow.

PS: only if you like it.

Yours thankfully


Well, this is my letter to that one person and every other person in the world who either stumbles upon or genuinely clicks a link (or something) to reach my blog and enjoy my posts. According to a wise blogger (Mrs. Angloswiss) “beginnings are always difficult” and soon you have a lot of of followers but you really cannot tell how many of them are genuine. So, that is all I have to write in the letter to a the reader – read the post and then like or follow.

3 thoughts on “Notice:

  1. Ms. AngloSwiss is a wise blogger. I am going to tell you a secret about blogging. The best way is to take one of the WordPress University classes (they are free). If you are not following already, follow Daily Press, Daily Prompt, and Daily News (all WordPress sites). Right now they are having the Blogging 101 class (are you taking that? Because you learn more about blogging and meet a lot of people on the site). When this month is over they will start another class but I don’t know what class it will be. You can go into Google and type University. Be aware that this WordPress University for Blogs are free. There are some trying to “sell” classes. So watch out for those. Also, WRITE POSTS about anything that interests you, and follow as many people as you can. You can follow a lot more if you have the Reader App because you don’t have to have everyone’s emails coming into your inbox. Hope this helps!!

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