The twos.

In or out, make a choice already.
Yes or no, decide and be free.
This or that, let’s take a chance.
Up or down are the only two ways to be.

Living as an individual surrounded by duality,
I keep waiting for the other half to fill my reality.
When the twos are together I realise,
Life comes down to a moment so eternal,
Nothing seems awry.

Now tell me…
The known or the unknown, where do you dwell?
Light or dark, what do you use?
Thought or action, you can’t even refuse.
Here or there are the only two places you’ll be.

So, I see their games and I see them… more than they can even tell.
I keep quiet for things that are true.
Like a fool might seem ignorant,
And the one fooling too indulged,
But only one of them can walk-away at the end.

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